
The Kentucky Hiker Project is designed to inspire you to get outside and enjoy the many beautiful, natural spaces in the Commonwealth. From the peace and serenity of Land Between the Lakes to the jaw-dropping, hard won vistas of Pine Mountain, there are so many amazing places to explore. In the Kentucky Hiker 60-Second Break, you’ll be treated to a highlight reel of hikes as inspiration - the first step toward your next grand adventure.


Where will I stay; what will I eat; what gear do I need; are there snakes; and…critically…will there be beer? In each 60-Second Break, you’ll get bona fide recommendations for some of the best places to stay and eat (and maybe drink) along with gear and safety tips so you can be fully equipped during your adventure. When you choose a great destination and have the knowledge and gear needed, you’re all set to make lifelong memories.


Outdoor adventures connect us to the wonderful shared experience that Nature uniquely delivers. Whether you’re enjoying a solo hike to find a little peace for yourself or taking the family out to see all there is to see, your time in these beautiful spaces will help you connect to yourself and your loved ones. And, while in town, you’ll have the chance to connect with the local community. The trail towns of Kentucky never cease to amaze - always welcoming, always unique.


Best of all, when you’ve returned home with great memories and stories to tell, you’ll come to love and appreciate these wonderful outdoor spaces that much more. With gratitude, comes care. And with care, comes the will to conserve and protect these amazing places so that someday - and for many, many thousands of days to come - others may find the peace, joy, and adventure that you found here in Kentucky.