Unicorn Arch and Osborne Bend Arch Out and Back

Overview. These arches are so close to the trail, but I’ve passed them by a number of times completely unaware of their existence. The Red is cool like that! Unicorn Arch is a gorgeous little arch that reminds me of a cartoon character that I can’t quite place. Osborne Bend Arch is a playful one not unlike Arch of Triumph. This is a short, sweet hike with a couple small, fun arches.

Route Type | Out and Back
Total Distance | 1.3 miles
Overall Difficulty | Moderate
*these arches are just off the trail, please use GPS coordinates to avoid missing them

GPS Waypoints
Unicorn Arch | 37.825496, -83.572170
Osborne Bend Arch | 37.825847, -83.571503

Trailhead. Park at the Osborne Bend Parking Lot on KY-715 just west of the one lane concrete bridge. [map]

Trail navigation. Follow the marked trail 4/10th of a mile uphill and look left for a distinct user trail to Unicorn Arch that overlooks the trail about 10-15 feet to the west. Continue uphill another 1/10th of a mile through some switchbacks to top gain the steep. Look right to find a user trail just above the rocks you passed and head downhill past the campsite to reach the Osborne Bend Arch. Retrace your steps to return to the trailhead.

CAUTION - Poisonous snakes. While the gorge is within the range of timber rattlesnakes, copperheads are the most common poisonous snake encountered. Stay alert on the trail, as snakes are commonly found taking in the warmth of the trail. Give them a wide berth or wait for them to move off the trail.

CAUTION - Bears. Black bears are growing in number throughout Daniel Boone National Forest. Be sure to follow bear safety precautions. [Be Bear Aware by US Forest Service]